Concept of Root Cause Analysis – An Overview

This article may be of further interest for industry fellows struggling with repeated problems in their processes and may be repeated customer complaints and  dealing with conducting Root Cause Analysis to determine the immediate Corrective action and preventative actions. Root Cause Analysis defined by Wilson et al (1993) as an analytic tool that can be used to perform a comprehensive, system-based review of critical incidents. It includes the identification of root and contributory factors, determination of risk reduction strategies, and development of action plans along with measurement strategies to evaluate the effectiveness of plans. Definition of Root Cause For Practical […]


This article is written considering Training needs requirements at all levels within an organization.  Just Keep in mind that the effective solution to any problem is to address its cause as it is rightly said, “A well-defined problem is a half solved problem”. A. Training Content Development Moving forward, the first step in the training process is a basic one; ask questions to determine if a problem can be solved by training. Whenever employees are not performing their jobs adequately, we might assume training will bring them up to standard. Is it true or false. Let’s say your supervisor comes […]